Saturday, April 21, 2012

Market 4/21/12

My first market.
The week has not gone as I had planned, which I should have suspected to begin with.
On my first day in the south Knoxville kitchen I rent, I forgot a few things. Measuring spoons for one. I also had an overly ambitious schedule planned, and I didn't finish everything I had intended to.
And then market day wasn't quite a success--the rain could have been disastrous for my baked goods if my neighbor hadn't had extra plastic sheeting, and I was told that the crowds were down.
But you know what? I'm so, so happy with how everything went.
Back in my days as a cheese maker's apprentice, I did two markets a week, and what I loved about them then, I still love. The people, the farmers, the bustle and sense of community. People supporting other people, supporting their community and region.
These things matter. When you buy a bunch of kale from a local farmer or a muffin from a local baker, all the money goes to them. No middlemen. This means that you support them, and they are motivated to sell you the best they can offer and at a fair price, ensuring you a better product and them a living.
It's also just plain fun. You get to know people. You learn to appreciate the seasons. You meet a lot of interesting characters.
I'll be back. It was a pleasure meeting a lot of you, and I hope you enjoyed your treats if you bought something from me (or otherwise--I hope you enjoyed those, too). If any of you have special requests or things you really like to see bakers bring to market, tell me! I love to hear your suggestions, and as I plan on changing up my offerings by the week, I should be able to accommodate most everyone at some point.
Very soon, I'll be posting more about my recipes to give you an idea of where I get my inspiration and how I make recipes my own. I also want to do a full post on my granola and why it's so expensive. There are reasons for these things, after all.
Thanks to everyone who made my first market such a wonderful day. I'm exhausted but happy. See you next week!

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