Thursday, May 31, 2012

Weekly Market Update and Some Odds and Ends

Sorry about the silence for the past couple weeks. Turns out, having two jobs is no joke, especially when one is very demanding and the other...well...also very demanding but in a different way. I'm back on the blogosphere, though, with your weekly update.
There are a few things I'm really excited about this week. For starters, I believe I've perfected my biscuit recipe. If you bought a biscuit from me the first or second week at market, I encourage you to give them another try. Not that those were bad, but these are ever so much better.
Another is my Dark and Stormy Cakelets. If you come by my booth often, you've probably noticed them--they're itty bitty cakes with a lot of personality. And they are not cupcakes. I am adamant about that. Not to be a hater (because no once likes haters), but as a baker, I find most cupcakes to be dry, uninteresting, and overwrought. It is my firm belief (and part of my mission statement) that sweets should be, above all, interesting. That means that all those white-sugar-white-flour-crisco concoctions out there are the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. I can pack more flavor into one bite of a cakelet than most cupcakeries can fit into a whole cupcake. Just sayin'.
Back to these cakelets. They earn their name from the cocktail--rum, lime, and ginger. These chocolate-rum cakelets are doused with a rum syrup and topped with a spirited lime-ginger icing. They pack a punch. So much so, that if you do buy more than one, I advise you not to eat them all at once if you have to drive soon after.
I am also bringing back the Mimosa Pound Cake due to popular demand. Turns out, you all like it as much as I do.
A final note before the menu. If you have any interest in food writing or food blogs, I would like to invite you to see some of my writings at The Joy Kitchen (click around--there are lots of places to explore) and It lets you know a little bit more about my day job and what I do when I'm not hawking baked goods at the farmer's market.
To reiterate something I think I've said before: I only use organic unbleached flour in all my baked goods. I also use Florida Crystals exclusively as my sugar (unless a recipe uses brown sugar). I get local, organic, pastured eggs from Wisner Farms and dairy from Cruze Farm.
For the month of June, my fiancé and I will be taking a long overdue road trip. We'll be back in July, though!

--Cheddar Scallion Biscuits--Vermont white cheddar, local organic scallions
--Blueberry Lemon Scones--organic lemons
--Strawberry Rhubarb Spelt Scones--local organic strawberries, organic rhubarb, organic spelt flour
--Raspberry Lime Scones--organic local raspberries, organic limes
--Triple Citrus Loaf--organic citrus (lemon, lime, orange), lemon glaze
--Apricot Loaf With Crunchy Almond Topping--bourbon-soaked apricots, crispy almond topping
--Roasted Veggie Galettes--little free-form tarts with roasted veggies (mushrooms, scallions, peppers)
--Blood Orange Upside Down Cornmeal Cake--organic blood oranges, local cornmeal
--Mimosa Pound Cake--organic oranges, champagne glaze
--Gluten Free Dark Chocolate Brownies
--Lime Cardamom Shortbreads--organic lime zest
--Dark and Stormy Cakelets--chocolate rum cake with rum soak and lime-ginger icing

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